Wednesday 19 October 2011

Ideal Protein - follow up's been a while since I "graduated" from Ideal protein. I started at 131 pounds and I am currently 115 pounds.

I wanted to update these posts because I know that for myself I have tried so many diets that were quick results but they didn't last. This is the thinnest I have been since I was about 20 and I am no longer dieting, but I am maintaining the weight loss.

Ideal protein works under the premise of resetting your metabolism and teaching your body to only make as much insulin as it needs to breakdown what you bring in. I truly feel like I am living in a new body. Not only in shape, but in reaction to foods. When I was hungry before this diet, I used to get jittery and sweaty and I needed to eat the first thing that I saw, which was usually something horrible for me, a muffin, cookie, etc. Now don't get me wrong, I still get hungry, and I still love cookies...but now I don't get that horrible weak feeling when I am hungry, I just feel hungry, which I can normally appease with a glass of water until I can make myself a nutritious snack. Overall the word I would use to describe myself now is: healthy.

I still monitor what I eat and I am logging it all into Livestrong ( so that I can see what it is that I am putting in my body. Livestrong gives a great breakdown of each food and it's calories, protein, carbs, fats etc. I can't ever decide to live a life with no junk food, or no carbs. Here are the general rules I now live by:

  • I only have carbs twice a day (if that) and I try not to have them after lunch.
  • I eat a large meal at breakfast, a regular meal at lunch and a small dinner
  • Dinner is usually meat and veggies ONLY
  • I don't snack after dinner
  • snacks are usually fruit, veggies or low fat yogurt

and most importantly: I CHEAT ON ALL THESE RULES ONCE IN A WHILE ...and I don't feel bad about it. You can be disciplined 90% of the time, but you still have to enjoy those foods that you know are not good for you. The key? knowing that they aren't good for you, it means you will have smaller portions and you won't eat them every day.

For me, Ideal Protein has been the best diet and lifestyle change that I have discovered, but I look forward to hearing about your experiences and successes as well.

For Ideal Protein and me...I think this is my last Blog, we will check this off as a success!

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